to the 5-Day Business Breakthrough Challenge

Get Instant Access to LIVE Q&As with John Assaraf for 5 Days Straight (100% Free)

to the 5-Day Business Breakthrough Challenge

Get Instant Access to LIVE Q&As with John Assaraf for 5 Days Straight (100% Free)

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ONLY Available For the First 200 People to Join! (A Savings of $3,679!)


5 Days of Powerful, Proven Million-Dollar Business Training STREAMED from the Comfort of Your Home ($997 Value)

Access To Our Private Business Network: Connect With Business Owners & Entrepreneurs from around the world to celebrate your success ($197 Value)

Unlocked: John’s Personal Vault Of Business Worksheets & Blueprints: Specifically Designed To Put What You’re Learning...Into Action. ($97 Value)

Surprise Bonuses Throughout The Challenge: If We Told You What It Was...It Woulnd't Be A Surprise! ($297 Value)

Unlimited Access to Recordings Of The Business Breakthrough Trainings: Get every Masterclass inside our private Facebook group for 30 days. ($97 Value)


Bonus Mastermind Training Day For VIPs Only: Special Training On How To 3X Your Power in Business, Mindset, & Relationships in 30 Days (Or Less) ($300 Value)

Behind-The-Scenes Access to All 5 Trainings: Be In The Zoom Room With John LIVE, Ask YOUR Business Questions And Actively Participate ($997 Value)

30 Days: Lifetime! Access To Recordings Of The Challenge: Review The Trainings Anytime To Get Even More Revenue Generating Wisdom. ($297 Value)

Private Q&A Session After Every Live Training For VIPs Only (5 Bonus Hours of Q&A!): Get Expert Business Advice from John on your Business Niche & Real-time Solutions to your Challenges. ($400 Value)



5 Days of Powerful, Proven Million-Dollar Business Training STREAMED from the Comfort Of Your Home ($997 Value)

Green check. Part of the package.
Green check. Part of the Elite package.

Access To Our Private Business Network: Connect With Business Owners & Entrepreneurs from around the world to celebrate your success ($197 Value)

Green check. Part of the package.
Green check. Part of the Elite package.

Unlocked: John’s Personal Vault Of Business Worksheets & Blueprints: Specifically Designed To Put What You’re Learning...Into Action. ($97 Value)

Green check. Part of the package.
Green check. Part of the Elite package.

Surprise Bonuses Throughout The Challenge: If We Told You What It Was...It Wouldn’t Be A Surprise! ($297 Value)

Green check. Part of the Elite package.
Green check. Part of the Elite package.

Unlimited Access to Recordings Of The Business Breakthrough Trainings: Get every Masterclass inside our private Facebook group for 30 days. ($97 Value)

Green check. Part of the package.
Green check. Part of the Elite package.

Bonus Mastermind Training Day For VIPs Only: Special Training On How To 3X Your Power in Business, Mindset, & Relationships in 30 Days (Or Less) ($300 Value)

Red X. Not a part of BBC Elite package.
Green check. Part of the Elite package.

Behind-The-Scenes Access to All 5 Trainings: Be In The Zoom Room With John LIVE, Ask YOUR Business Questions And Actively Participate ($997 Value)

Red X. Not a part of BBC Elite package.
Green check. Part of the Elite package.

30 Days: Lifetime! Access To Recordings Of The Challenge: Review The Trainings Anytime To Get Even More Revenue Generating Wisdom. ($297 Value)

Red X. Not a part of BBC Elite package.
Green check. Part of the Elite package.

Private Q&A Session After Every Live Training For VIPs Only (5 Bonus Hours of Q&A!): Get Expert Business Advice from John on your Business Niche & Real-time Solutions to your Challenges. ($400 Value)

Red X. Not a part of BBC Elite package.
Green check. Part of the Elite package.